Restrictive measures stepped up
Amongst the most shocking of these laws we can find : the bans on free movement, on going to school after primary school, on working in many professions and on taking part in political life. There’s even talk of a war against women in real terms. Recently, we heard of a law where women were no longer allowed to communicate with each other. Thus, depriving them of freedom of expression. They must cover their faces and bodies in public places, always be accompanied by a male member of their family when using public transport, and are even forbidden to sing outside the home under the law on « prevention of vices and promotion of virtues ».
Demonstration and proof of resistance
Several résistance movements have set up clandestine schools and online courses to enable woman to attend school. Indeed, access to education is denied to them. The protests are violently repressed. In several cities, including Kaboul, groups of women took to the street chanting slogans such as « freedom, equality and justice ».
In January 2023, a young Afghan woman, identified as a student, attracted international attention when she undressed in public to protest against the ban on education. Doing so, she symbolically denounced the oppression and violence imposed by the Taliban. The impact of this act became international, demonstrating her courage and the important militant significance of her act. In the Summer of 2023, they held demonstrations and published videos and online messages denouncing the Taliban’s restrictive policies. Among them were important figures such as journalists and activists who were not expected to raise the international community’s awareness. In particular the journalist Zahra Joya, who did a great deal of work to attract worldwide attention.
« Bread and Roses », a simplistic iPhone documentary by exiled filmmaker Sahra Mani gives a testimony where we follow the daily lives of three women and the resistance, available on Apple TV+.
The actions of Afghan women demonstrate an indomitable resistance to an oppressive regime. Fighting for their rights and freedoms, their courage inspires hope for a brighter future.