Le journal pour les jeunes, par les  jeunes

The Opening Ceremony of a Lifetime, Paris 2024

This summer, the world’s attention was on France and its unprecedented opening ceremony on the Seine. Never in the Olympic Games’ history the opening ceremony was organized outside of a stadium, and Thomas Jolly, in charge of the artistic direction of the four opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, decided that Paris would be the pioneer to use its historic monuments as stages for shows. Let’s take a look at this successful risk-taking. 

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The Seine river, Paris. Credits: Getty image.
The Seine river, Paris. Credits: getty image.

“Memorable”, “moving”, “unforgettable”, “extraordinary”. That’s what you could read on the front pages of the world’s biggest newspapers. For sure, Paris fulfilled all its promises and made quite the impression with this outstanding opening ceremony. Sports delegations from all over the world paraded down the Seine river on the iconic “bâteaux mouches” to the sound of Lady Gaga’s, Aya Nakamura’s and Juliette Armanet’s music. For nearly three hours, dance, music and acting captivated the eyes of the parisian and international public. The silver horsewoman riding up the Seine river with the Olympic flag made a particular impression. It added a mystical touch that enhanced the magical atmosphere of the event. In the spotlight: dance, arts, creativity and open-mindedness. Women were also honored during the ceremony. The sculptures of ten incredible women such as Olympe de Gouges, Simone Veil or Gisèle Halimi, were shown during the parade. 

Aya Nakamura, Philippe Catherine and Drag Queens

Some of the guests caused shock and criticism in the audience. The singer Aya Nakamura was mentioned to potentially perform at the event. These news sparked a wave of racism in France due to her dual French-Malian nationality and the genre of her music. Indeed some consider it vulgar and not representative enough of France. The most-listened-to French artist in the world silenced the criticism and insults by performing a remix of her song « Djadja » and Charles Aznavour’s « For me, formidable » alongside the Republican Guard, in front of The Conciergerie. A masterful performance that not only pays tribute to French musical culture, but also conveys a message of peace and inclusion.

The burlesque performance of French singer Philippe Catherine in a blue, almost naked Dionysus, undoubtedly surprised, amused or even shocked viewers of the world. For one minute and a half the singer sang Tout simplement tout nu from his iconic single Nu. Some American and Moroccan TV channels did not seem to appreciate this touch of French humor. Therefore, they decided to delete his performance when the ceremony was broadcasted on national news channels. Elon Musk immediately reacted on X on “how unrespectful it was for christians”. A very down-to-earth reaction shared by some, but not by the majority of spectators. 

The cherry on top: the return of Céline Dion

After a four-years absence due to her illness, she was diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome in 2022. However, she returned to the stage for the worldwide event of the year. Her eagerly-awaited performance of Edith Piaf’s Hymne à l’amour at the foot of the Eiffel Tower moved the entire world. The emotion of Céline Dion during and after her outstanding performance clearly embodied the spirit of the opening ceremony: love, inclusion, creativity and peace.

« Hollywood, California, USA – February 5, 2013: Hollywood Walk Of Fame Celine Dion achievement in the entertainment industry star. » Credits: istock.

To watch Céline Dion’s performance, click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpeqPG85o5s

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