Jour : 30 octobre 2024

3 posts

The “trick or treat” around the world

Trick or Treat…? An iconic phrase associated with Halloween, but have you ever wondered how this holiday is different in the world? Halloween is one of the most celebrated and recognized holidays in the world. The little ones going out to ask for sweets, scary jokes to the big ones, costume parties, movies and characters based on trick or treat are among many sources of entertainment. Halloween shares similarities and differences in countries around the world, having its unique essence and rooted in customs and traditions of each respective culture.
Georgia, a country torn apart between Russia and the European Union. Credits: Pixabay.
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Elections in Georgia, a victory for Russia?

The results of the legislative election in Georgia held on October 26 2024 were eagerly awaited in the country and in Europe. The Georgian Dream party, pro-russian, authoritarian and already in power since October 2012 were facing a pro-Eureopean coalition formed by four opposition parties. The outcome of this election will have a determining impact on Georgia's future, stuck between Russia and the European Union.
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Juges de ligne : un métier en voie de disparition ?

Positionnés autour du court pour surveiller les fautes de pied ainsi que les lignes de fond, les lignes latérales ou encore les lignes de service, les juges de ligne font partie intégrante de la tradition du tennis. Néanmoins, depuis près de deux ans maintenant, ils désertent peu à peu les courts au profit d’un nouveau système de vérification électronique adopté par certains des plus grands tournois comme l’US Open, l’Open d’Australie, le Masters 1000 de Paris et même bientôt Wimbledon. L’arbitrage est en train de changer de dimension.