Jour : 13 mars 2024

3 posts
Piazza San Marco (St Mark’s Square), seen from the lagoon. Credits: Jeanne Lauzevis, CS Actu, February 2024.
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Venice: Between Mass Tourism and Rising Waters

Each year, Venice attracts between 28 and 30 million tourists. However, the city has to cope with the consequences of mass tourism and global warming. Nevertheless, The “City of Water" continues to inspire locals and visitors alike since its construction in 421. If you do not wear a mask and a costume during the Carnival, you can embrace Venice’s authenticity by walking through its thousands of narrow streets, visit a local shop or explore the city by water with a gondolier.
CS ACTU with His Excellency Choi Jai Chul
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South Korea : The Asian Tiger in the 21st Century

On Thursday March 7, we were honored to welcome His Excellency Choi Jai Chul, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to France, for an academic lecture. As a professional diplomat, he has devoted a large part of his career to multilateral diplomacy, providing us with valuable insights into South Korea, its positions and perspectives in global international relations.
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Les écolos ou l’art de jeter de la soupe sur les tableaux

La Joconde de Léonard de Vinci, Les Tournesols de Van Gogh ou encore Le Printemps de Claude Monet. Ils ont tous un point commun : avoir été aspergés de soupe par des activistes écologistes. Depuis deux ans, ces mouvements de protestation se multiplient au dépens des musées européens. La désobéissance civile se métamorphose pour s’en prendre à l’art.