Jour : 26 octobre 2023

2 posts
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Enfin ! Après sept saisons en MotoGP, Johann Zarco,33 ans à signé sa première victoire en carrière sur le tracé de Phillip Island en Australie ce samedi, au terme d’un week-end complètement bouleversé par la météo. Retour sur cette performance du pilote Français….
The leader of the centrist party Donald Tusk celebrates his victory. By Piotr Nowak. Credits EPA/MAXPPP
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The Fall of the PiS in Poland: a watershed in the country’s politics?

On the last 15th of October, Polish citizens were called to vote for the renewal of the lower house of Parliament. This election, considered as one of the most important for the country’s future, principally opposed the longstanding conservative government “Law and Justice” (PiS) and the centrist and pro-european “Civic Coalition”.